This is my first attempt at adapting the style of Craig Mullins ( If you look at his work, you'll notice I'm far from it. but that's okay. this was my first serious attempt, and for that, it didn't do so badly. I'm now working on a new one. It looks very similar, but better... maybe...
I'm starting a new project, and simultaneously will be multi-tasking other projects I've got floating around, so be on the lookout for updates on those. and send me some feedback. I'm only posting this 'cuz my friend told me too - i'm a pushover for a good fan. :)
anyway, this is the first image of the new project, which is something of a story, but not quite... I have a habit of giving up on projects lately, so i'm trying to revive as many recent ones as seems feasible... This one is a brand new idea... well, it's sprouted from an odd rant i wrote about dreams a few months ago. ... and i think that's as much info as i can get into without you thinking i'm totally mental...