Wednesday, August 22, 2007


an hour and forty-five minutes in photoshop... i got carried away, i was supposed to be doing something else...


xenspirit3 said...

Oh, you have made my day Bethany. Life is as Sarah Buxton says, somewhere between a cry and a laugh, but I'm hanging in, drawing comics. I just uploaded my most recent strip. Thanks for coming by...I'm not a fine artist, self taught...and get a little bit here and there when I can. Feel free to offer professional advice. Since a friend of mine is an acclaimed artist, and stern critic of my work, I won't be offended, and I'm pretty confident in my abilities not to be swayed by errant criticism...So critique away. And thanks. Yes, I do know about getting carried away...I had to buy a scanner today...It cost 15.00 to go to kinkos or staples to scan. Anyway...thanks again for your visit.

Anonymous said...

i like this. it's very free-spirited. nice use of lights and darks. (it makes me wish i was back at school so i could use photoshop.)