Thursday, March 10, 2011



MaidMarianLibrarian said...

i like the look of the manga thing you've got going on here... but i can't remember what it's called. (the process of cutting out various gradients, etc. and pasting them onto the artwork to create patterns and shadows... can't remember the technical term for the life of me...) i like how it's reproduced here.

Bethany Turner said...

it's called screentone! (i had to look it up)
traditionally applied via cool cellophane transfer sheets, it's a common feature of manga. it's easily mimicked in photoshop with the "color halftone" filter, some tweaking and the selection tool. i also have to de-saturate the color in most cases: if you don't, the dots are broken into the 3 or 4 light colors (CYMK) and gives an old school newsprint/magazine page, ben-day dots effect.
i've been playing with these effects alot actually: my favorite use is in the new year comic with the rabbit and the tiger. the same effect filters came out giving the colors a canvas texture.