Saturday, November 1, 2008

it's been a long time... (shouldna left you... without a dope beat to step to...)

well ya'll, the reason i haven't been around for a few months is because i've up and moved to korea to teach english. that's the short of it anyhow. so i was busy. sorry.

i'll get to work on some goods for you eventually...
in the meantime enjoy this random sketch i just did... using a cheap ball-point pen, copic markers, my camera to get it digital and a little photoshop magics to make it look better/more random.



Anonymous said...

yay your back! :-)

MaidMarianLibrarian said...


(oh yeah, it's me. Aka. Deleted my old blogger; didn't use it much.)

MaidMarianLibrarian said...

actually, i should've held off on the 'hooorah' part. I don't have a clue what it says...

although i AM glad that you finally posted something!! :D

MaidMarianLibrarian said...

where's our first 2009 post already?? we miss you!

Hal said...

You look sorta sad here...

at least your fox loves you!

MaidMarianLibrarian said...

hehehe... foxy me. (hey look everybody! other people comment after i do! how educational! sorry, i'm a little slow on the uptake.)

MaidMarianLibrarian said...

actually, i still have no idea what they are saying... :(