Wednesday, January 7, 2009

happy new year... i guess...


MaidMarianLibrarian said...

boy... you're having a fun new year's... this pic makes me depressed... (but it's kinda cool in a depressing way.)

so i guess that sums it up for you, then? :(

Bethany Turner said...

yep, that was a pretty accurate summary. i was having a particularly bad moment... it comes and goes.

MaidMarianLibrarian said...

Thank you so much for the awesome Christmas card! I got it yesterday... on my birthday... :D so that worked out extraordinarily well. I'm sorry, I haven't even gotten around to sending your package yet... :( but I will soon(ish)!

Hal said...

It seems I have misread you Ms. Turner. You are quite expressive...just in a medium I had yet to find.

MaidMarianLibrarian said...

when are you going to update?????? i miss you...

bring me back a cute kokeshi... yeah, i know those are Japanese, not Korean, and i'm kidding. partially.